Friday, May 23


So I have been digging into this book "God Chasers" and it is really speaking to me. Yesterday morning I read the chapter that spoke about bread crumbs. Basically it stated that as Americans living in the msot prosperous nation, we have everything and fill ourselves with all of the entertainment/food/activities ect... that are of this world. We satisfy ourselves breifly with these pleasures, the breadcrumbs, and this stops us from ever seeking out the fresh hot bread God has waiting for us. I got to speak with my old roomate last night and she was telling me that God is bring me through a desert, so He can draw closer to me. I am not sure if it during this time of transition from Tennessee to Florida that is making me dry, or if it is my own laziness and proneness to stray. Probably the later.
I am tired of knowing about God, I want to know Him and see His face.I told my husband last night that in my past I have always experienced God in huge "burning bush" senses, and I am sure that I am entering a new season in my faith. So when I made a conscious effort yesterday morning to spend time with God I didn't experience that burning bush, but who am I to say that God did not show up?
All I can say is that I am alive and I am free, and for that I praise God, although I may not feel Him, I am still seeking, even if I have to walk through the desert to get more of Him.

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